May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

On board. Just returned from shopping my local regenerative farmer. Let’s get back in our communities and stop arguing online. It just feeds the beast.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

"If my perspective is correct I’m suggesting the most networked, powerful, wealthy people on the planet are our greatest enemy."

Here's the hilarious thing about this, Robb. You probably wouldn't have been on board with that statement 10 years ago. And they would have!

Personally, as a libertarianish person, I don't like demonizing rich people. The problem as I see it is that many uber-wealthy people are control addicts. This is something I've unfortunately begun to see only in the last 5-10 years. Before I would have seen it as a regrettable attitude of demonizing success.

But back to my point. The irony here is that this type of thinking you describe, above, was rather common on the educated left in the 1960s. The attitude was that there was a sort of wisdom in nature (whether one wants to call it creation or evolution, it doesn't really matter), while at the same time, conservatives were busy defending highly interventionist, somewhat dangerous, and technocratic approaches that were not at all informed by evolutionary theory or ecology.

Now the positions have practically flipped, if we can call the Democrats leftists. That we can call Democrats leftists rather than neocons is certainly arguable, but let's just observe where we are presently:

The Democrats are defenders of high levels of interventionism: wars, money printing, Big Ag dumping toxic chemical everywhere, censorship and fact checking, and also, puberty blockers and gene therapy for all, preferentially taken on a weekly or daily basis. 😝

Upside-down world.

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I believe the last line or two of the communist manifesto reads something like "of course this (communism) can't be achieved until every county is accepting. Thus every social structure needs to be destroyed."

Build Back Better. Means you need to destroy first, and this is what's happening. Create chaos; open borders, foment racial tension, ignore and encourage crime, push mandates and punish those who do not comply. Communists are using the kindly-sounding globalist BS to push for their ultimate rule over us.

Do not comply. Fight this. Our children depend on it.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

You get a resounding YES from me Robb, and uniting far left and far right on this issue seems a no-brainer but alas... the very same globalists are incredibly good at keeping the jar full of fire ants shaken and stirred on red herring issues. The Rona and all downstream effects are just adding layers to the campaign to divide and demoralize but I do have hope that more people are slowly waking up and smelling the bull. When you make it real for people (vaccine injuries, losing jobs, high gas and food prices) then expect some sort of awakening.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

Let’s fight this

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They are worried because the return of nationalism is a good sign that globalization is losing the game. I define globalization as multinational CORPORATIONS outsourcing jobs so as to increase profits by keeping wages low and killing off competition. Globalism, as in accepting that all people come from the same human family, and recognizing the value of other cultures, is a good thing. They don't really want that because it leads to less need for government. They want us to hate each other.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

On board!

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May 3, 2022Liked by Robb Wolf

I’m intrigued by this thesis, I think you may be on to something, please continue.

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I agree, things like racism, gender, vxax/unvxax, veganism, Trump, etc are all by design to keep us divided. Royalty has been using it for centuries. Divide & Conquer. Keep us fighting amongst ourselves so they can pass bills, print more money, sell more arms, implement mandates…

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Free trade is generally a good thing, due to specialization and comparative advantage. But “globalization” to the likes of Schwab means something more. It means global government and a stifling uniformity.

The European Union has been a failure because, instead of being a big free trade zone, it strove to become a political union, despite the high degree of heterogeneity among its members. They have very different cultures and goals and visions of the good life. Hence, Brexit.

If Europe is too heterogeneous to have a successful political union, how could the whole Earth be united under one government?

Respecting diversity necessitates respecting individual, separate, autonomous nation-states.

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Robb, I agree with you. Klaus Schwab and the WEF are just a bunch of wealthy technocrats hiding behind the cover of "sustainability" while making billions from "green" technologies. They are completely self serving and care nothing about humanity or things like regenerative agriculture.

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according to one expert, Chriss Street, globalization is probably done. it's 'cycle' has done it's thing. he refers often to a 45-year 'business cycle. when i take his dates for cycle bottoms in California, the cycle is actually 43 years. right in line with Martin Armstrong. Maritn's model would point to Sept. 9 2022 as California's bottom.

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I’m on board 👍

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Yippie ki-yay. I hear Klaus Schwab is Hans Gruber's other, less flashy, but more evil, brother. And Simon Says he doesn't care about nursery rhymes or riddles, just digital currencies and neo-feudalism.

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